erm..pagi tidaklah bermula begitu awal.kemalasan menyelubungi diri mengenangkan keadaan yang pasti sesak di bilik air dengan pertambahan dua keluarga di rumah ku ini.. (kuarga ibu, abah's kakak and kuarga makteh, abah's lil' sis)
masih lagi berjaya niat mandi sunat hari raya, bersiap dan pergi sembahyang raya untuk kali ke... erm... pertama ke ek?melampau betol en.hehehee
selepas semayang raya, melantak di rumah. lomang yg dibakar semalam, ikan pekasam goreng.pergh!! rendang dendeng mak tih and rendang ibu jugak.. serta gulai baung... sungguh menyelerakan bukan?
kemudian, off to the graveyard with ai chik and family. few more families is expected to arrive today. yaay!
she is seriusly on the phone~
jengka 15, graveyard~
assalamualaikum ya ahli kubur..
after reciting yasin together, we cleaned
up the graves
please meet my ai chik and the croni~
they are cute. aren't they?
still clening the graveyard.
this is where my late grandmother rest in peace
where my late grandfather's is just parallel next to hers
after that, we were off to kampung awah, temeloh. mum's house. only few pictures taken as i was very busy serving the guest eventhough basically, i am one of the guest.haha..
my mum and her sis, mak na in the same theme colour.
and this is aleya mysara..
.jpg)! its time to get duit raya..ok let me check. yep2..i saw my name on the list. =DD
ok.. selamat hari raya ,maaf zahir batin..
me : ame, took our picture please.. ai tam, hand me the ang pao slowly and pause for a while so that we can get a good shot.
yes. nice. it looks like i am the one who is giving the duit raya.ahha..
yes of course la ada skeping dua gambar poyos..
after that, we go back to jengka 12.. gigih.. bukak kelapa lagi..
to make this corn porridge. very delicious..
just want to tell you guys that this table is never empty.
grating the coconut.. in baju raya.
heyya! this is alex, my cousin-to-be
kakde is very-busy-helping maktih to make dadihs (its plural then)
..and we ate nasi kukus for dinner.
my saloon is only available tonight. any reservation?please refer to me next year.tq
alex, bengah(refer to the leg) and kak long was eating salak.. while watching the soccer match
irfan suddenly jump onto my lap while i am browsing the internet..
and after that, we chit chatting untill fea feel very sleepy and i start to blog.
ps* i wish tomorow will be merrier than today. good nite..