About Me

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Temerloh, Pahang, Malaysia
it's enjoyable to see everyone happy and optimist in their life. but it's more enjoyable to see everyone happy on their own big day. cheers

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

noor ainie sudin..

It is almost 7 years we haven't meet each other...
but yesterday, she came to my house(here in Dungun)
i was very excited to see her...

she is now studying at UiTM Segamat, bachelor degree in islamic banking.
both, she and me share same interest which is papercraft..
or anything according to art.
we just love scissors, papers, glue, small knife. hahahha...

i still remember back when i we was 15 years old. we are in same class, 1 al-biruni 2000, 2 al-khawarizmi 2001, 3 a-lbiruni 2002, and we had a fun time together..

she is way better than 7 years ago..
she is more adorable, more confidence and more chubby too..hahhaha
but the way she sneeze is never change. very cute.lalallaala..

so, she arrived around 8 pm yesterday..and we had our dinner at CZ restaurant.
and then went off to Paka...
women qu chang kala~oke.hahahhaha...

as we reached home around 1230 am, we suddenly realize that we haven't taken any picture..so, quickly i grabbed my blanket, and snap some pictures in the darkness...

wa.... ngantuknyer....


eye Mo said...

hi my dear fren..love u Sooo much..tp syg dpt jupe kejap je taw...takper2 t klao aku dtg sn ley jupe ko lg...ku past dtg jupe husband aku=)

cz said...

eye mo:

love you too..harap kita dpt ketemu lagi...