4th of january 2010
23 years old
my wishlist goes to~
>laptop kot..(mak aku cm bace jer blog ni...td ckp nk belikan laptop kat aku..yeay!!...any suggestion?)
>bawok mini ibrisham tawang (hoh..bile nok bg aku bawok geng?jwb pantun aku ni....)
> nt update
do not simply quote any words or download any pictures from my blog. you have to seek for my permission or at least give me a notification. your cooperation is much appreciated.tq!
hepy bufday!
tq neena...bile nk jimba2?jum this weekend...
epi belated bestday chykeen!
semoga dipanjangkan umur + dimurahkan rezeki + diberkati Allah
thanks akak..bile eh leh jupe akak.huuu...akak kat rawang kan..
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