About Me

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Temerloh, Pahang, Malaysia
it's enjoyable to see everyone happy and optimist in their life. but it's more enjoyable to see everyone happy on their own big day. cheers

klik klik ^^


i love comment

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

i'm sorry guys..

i've been very busy lately.. sorry readers..hehehe.. i dont want to write anything but there are some pictures that i want to share.. eonjoy viewing..

macDonald, kerteh

yoyo.. he can't wait.. a cone sundae for him...

this is what we eat.. prosperity burger.. only can be get annually..
kak aien. having a blast eating double before she surrender. it's damn hot and spicy.
and i go macDonald with my super duper hot boyfriend. he loves taking picture..ahha

p.s. guys, please don't simply take any pictures from this blog UNLESS you get my permision first. please respect my request..


Unknown said...

tammy nape xbtau aku ko dtg kerteh...kalo ko btau leh ak jmpe ko...

Anonymous said...

apa cer ltak pic ak yg gni.. ah sabotaj.. saje nk jatuhkan saham mak..

huh..xpe yg penting ak comeil lagi dr angah bonget..

mak ayam also