About Me

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Temerloh, Pahang, Malaysia
it's enjoyable to see everyone happy and optimist in their life. but it's more enjoyable to see everyone happy on their own big day. cheers

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

o yeah....!!!!!

final dah abes.. erm... berakhir dgn paper internet marketing td. kuar sume yang spot. tp too general..so... nak dapat a tu tak sure lagi la...

pasni.. ader byk keje ag nak kene wat.. terlibat dengan sukan staf, intersesi punya kelas... dan part time... tp yang paling tidak boleh dilupakan ialah... play tennis with chong lama suda atk main okey...kehkeh keh....


PeQ GaRaGe said...

hello cameno..
lame menyepi..
kebizian ek..

Mr. Saint said...

hoho. pasniyh leh lawan tenis ngan fik lak lew.
ngeeee ~

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on havingsatthrough your finals ... must be looking forward to merdeka days ... before entring the job market!

cz said...


yup..kinda busy.but i will be right back on track

sure...but when ek?kene ada appointmwent dulu Ar

pok re;
hahaha..tq uncle... i'mmoving to new house this week.hope to see you again

misz neena said...

ko tinggal sowang kat 101 an??
cowi dowh..
taty au..
ingt part time kite..

cz said...


yup.sowg2..tp semalam jer..skang dah duk kat uitm..sukan staff..balik la cini awal.spt yg dirancgkan..14 mei..plz...